Publishing Services

Book publishing

We publish work for artists and authors in print and ebook format, for distribution in stores and through online channels, such as Amazon. PRAS works with trade printers to deliver superior quality for a fraction of the price you can expect to pay for self-publishing.

Our flat rate services include:

  • editing
  • layout
  • cover design
  • ISBN registration
  • marketing & distribution plan development
    • for authors within South Central Ontario:
      • Greater Toronto Area, Dufferin County, Peel Region, Simcoe County, York Region (including King, Vaughan – Kleinburg, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Markham, Unionville), PRAS Publishing offers expanded marketing and distribution services.
  • distribution through Amazon, and their affiliates
  • author’s web page on publisher site, marketing materials (i.e. posters, bookmarks, business cards)

Why go it alone when you can pay a fraction of the price for a superior product and a support team? Becoming a published author is easier than you think. Contact us for a no-obligation conversation.

Periodical publishing

Product Research And Supply Inc., operating as PRAS Publishing is home to King Country Magazine, which includes writing from contributors as well as our in-house writing team. The publications deliver business profiles, human interest stories and artist spotlights specific to King Township. Past projects include Caledon Spectrum and SouthFields Village Voice.