Graphic Design Services

Branding and Identity Development

PRAS Publishing works with clients for all of your graphic design needs. We’ll help you develop your branding and identity, taking into consideration industry best practices and their unique requirements. In addition to developing logos we can also work with clients to develop templates, font selection and colours to use on supporting marketing and business documents, for both print and online applications. Supporting services also include form design, sell sheets, advertising (ad) design for print and online use.

Advertising samples

PRAS develops many of the graphic design ads displayed within its publications. For samples of work refer to current and back issues of King Country Magazine, Caledon Spectrum, and SouthFields Village Voice (Check out the Publishing Services tab on this website).

Industrial Application Sample
Letar Inc. logo
Letar Inc. is a CNC precision machine shop serving the aerospace industry. Their logo appears in colour on printed marketing material and their website but in black and white on all business forms. It is clean and clearly identifies their industry sector. Over the years that logo has undergone subtle modifications to refresh its look and highlight important information such as which standards the company is certified to.
Commercial Application Sample
Caledon Public Library logo
Caledon Public Library worked with PRAS Publishing to create a logo that could be modified to accommodate programming requirements and special event recognition. We developed a colour pallet that the library chose to include as part of their branding, with the added words “for all reasons.” It is a versatile and clean look that was used to launch their ‘Love your library campaign” and continues to be actively used.
Event Planning Support

We know that the key to effective event execution includes a great communication plan. Posters, brochures, tickets, booklets, lables, tags, social media images for your Twitter, Instagram and Facebook or any online ads, you name it. We do it all: concept to completion.

We can help you brand your event and add that elegant touch of polish that you need with little to no effort on your part aside from approving and contributing ideas and anything you already have available. We’re here to help you turn your ideas in to reality.

Navy Street Charity Fund Raiser
Sandra Longo needed some help launching her first charity fundraising event. We worked together to develop the consistent look she wanted. As a result she was able to sell out the event and acquire the sponsors she needed for a resounding success.
We handled all the branding artwork for her event so that she could focus on doing what she does best and not have to worry about the graphic communications management piece of things.
We event wrote and laid out the sponsorship request letter and donation form to make it as easy as possible to help Navy Street get its message out.
Every piece of communication for the event was on message and on brand, and all Sandra had to do was ask.